What If This Is Our AWAKENING?

So this morning I was running, While I was running I was praying. Not because I am some fancy uber Christian but because I dislike running very much! For some reason people think I love to run and I just DON'T.
I even fear running, not the run itself but the after effect, the soreness, the stiffness and the pain that can come the next day. I thought to myself this morning while lacing up my shoes "Jess, remember you have 2 Yoga classes to teach tomorrow, don't go to hard"

Then I realized with everything going on in the world right now they can come close us down at any moment and those classes that I am holding back for may never come. I may wimp out on this run in fear of something that may never come to pass. A realization was made there!

When I was recovering from all of my surgeries at some point in time I said "When I get better I will do anything and everything that I desire to do, I wont hold myself back anymore if I can just get better" Well that was cute to say and it lasted for a moment but then the fear crept back in, the world crept back in and the craziness of life crept back in. I lost that fire and sunk back into timidity.

I said I wasn't going to be one of those people, but here I am bringing it up, so let me just eat those words real quick...
During this crazy time we are all overconsumed by talk of Coronovirus I know, but what if we view this in a different way.
Both in the Yoga community and the Christian community there has been so much focus and talk around a Revival, an Awakening, a Realization....
In the bible God comes in many ways to speak to us and He also uses many things to try and speak to us, TO WAKE US UP!!! No I don't think that God created this but I do think He intends to use it. He can use all things for good.
What if this is our wakeup call... To actually live and enjoy life.
A few weeks ago I would never imagine that I wouldn't be able to go to the movies, the zoo or even simply the gym. All that has been taken away and more restrictions may be on the way. Those times that I said "Once I recover I will do all these things" were because I was limited by things of my own doing in a sense. But here we are actually having our freedoms taken away from us.

How much more of a wakeup call do we need. Do we not now realize how drastically life can change in a matter of moments due to something completely out of our realm of control? It's time to WAKE UP.
Just like this morning I wanted to hold back on my run because of things happening tomorrow.. Those things may be pulled out from under me at any moment and I would have lost today.

I think one thing we need to do is view this as a time of awakening, a time of realization.
Two things that I hope people see during this time is, That we are in no way promised tomorrow. Those things that you are holding out for may NEVER come to pass. Also we need to view this as a revitalization of Americas health. Pre-existing conditions put us at greater risk for sickness, we have always known that and I am not talking about cancer or things of that nature. I am talking about "Lifestyle Diseases" Things that are completely within our realm of control. We need to get serious about our health and the well-being of our loved ones.

Yes this time should be taken seriously, We may not feel that we will be affected by the virus directly but I PROMISE you this the pandemic will greatly effect you, it will effect every single person around you.

What if this is a wake up call, Spiritually, Physically, and in every single aspect of our life.
Absolutely do not live in fear, but I believe we can learn from everything. At the end of the day what are we actually waiting for anyway? I believe as life slows down for some of we will live daily with more gratitude for the simple pleasures of life. Enjoying the simplicity of being in Gods presence. That doesn't mean we should become complacent or stagnant, It actually is the exact opposite.

Don't miss out, Don't take things for granted, Don't hold yourself back, Live your life without fear of judgment from others, Don't make assumptions, Don't take life to seriously but take your health very seriously.
Love on those around you, Spread kindness and joy, Release judgement, Start dreaming then chase your dreams, Don't place limits on yourself, Let things go, Do all the things that feeds you soul and my goodness WAKE UP!
