One Question.. What would I do if I didn't care about the opinions of others?

Ask yourself this (as I ask myself this)…
What would I do, really do if I didn't care about the opinions of other?
What would I do with my life if I didn't live in the fear of judgement from other people?

This is so big in my life, my biggest struggle is the desire for acceptance. Wanting to be accepted by people and wanting to please everyone. YES! before you even say it I know that it is a complete impossibility to please everyone and to be accepted by everyone. So why in the world is it so hard to let that go?

I have always had a desire to be accepted, I was homeschooled majority of my schooling life and the only real interaction I had with other kids who weren't homeschooled was at church and there were so few kids I never really felt different. Boy let me tell you though, going from homeschooled right into high school at a "normal" school was a shock to say the least. That was when I really began to struggle with being accepted and feeling the need to be liked. I was a "weird" kid so I became a chameleon learning to be whatever I needed to be for each situation. That was a horrible idea by the way and thank Jesus I soon found Cody ( my husband ) who showed me then and still shows me today what unconditional love really is. I thought in order for people to like me I needed to do whatever they wanted me to do or be whatever they wanted me to be molding my life after theirs, I soon lost myself in those acts. Thankfully since high school I have found my identity in Christ and I know that no matter what I desire to do or who I desire to be that I am a child of God first.

At 29 years old I still struggle with this at times, in a world of social media it is easy to find ourselves "Living for the likes" as Cody says. I am naturally attracted to bold people, people who beat to their own drum, flowing in the rhythm of their own desires. I have noticed my attraction to these types of spirits because that is also the desire of my heart. I am on an eternal search for freedom in a sense, learning to let go of the ties of this world and dance in the beauty of all that surrounds me. Is that hippie enough for you? But it is so true and I feel that so many other women feel this way but we are held back by "What others may think" "What others may say". I have prevented myself from participating in things just because of the opinions of others and that is so sad! It is so sad that we let people hold so much weight in our lives. Why do we fear negative reactions so much? Most of the time those reactions are just a reflection of the sadness or struggles in their own life. Everyone is only human.

Our self worth should never depend on the acceptance of others, and I hate to break it to you but some people are just so unhappy with things in their own life that no matter what you do with yours they will disprove. I have stated in another blog that judgement can usually come from 2 places 1. You are doing something that person won't do themselves 2. They don't understand and that's ok it's your journey not theirs. I heard a speaker say one time that you should only listen to people who you yourself want to model your life after. So let me ask you this, that one person that you are so concerned with their opinion, look at their life, Do you want that kind of life? Is it something you want to model your life after? If not then there is your answer... move on.

So back to my question, What would you do if the opinion of others didn't matter?
I challenge you to write down a few things that you have been hesitant about, Why are you hesitant? in a world of social media we feel like we are constantly under a microscope but it's your choice whether or not you care, and let those opinions effect you. People will always speak things but you choose to listen and let those words into your space. I challenge you to do the things, all the things that feed your spirit. Look at that list do you really want to let those things pass you by over the opinion of someone else? Love yourself for the beautiful creation that you are and know that God loves and accepts you no matter your victories or failures but He desires for us to seek joy and live our lives as if we are never promised tomorrow. Don't ever take time for granted and miss wonderful moments just because you worry about what others may think. Live #likerushingwaters.
