Comparison is a thief

Comparison is the thief of joy - Mark Twain

The only person you should compare yourself to is the person you were yesterday, last week, last month or last year. That is the person you are trying to beat and the person you are trying to be better than. Unfortunately in the world of social media that is not the case most of the time. We see every aspect of the lives of others and it's usually only the glorious accomplishments, really just the highlight reel of their lives. People don't often show the struggles, the bad days or the low moments of their lives. We compare ourselves only to the good we see.... the good they WANT us to see.

We let this steal so much from us, it steals the joy from our lives, the peace in our spirit and robs us of celebrating our own accomplishments. Everything from Parenting, diet, fitness, and the type of lifestyle we live, we constantly get caught up in how someone is doing it better or faster than we are. We should be happy for others, lifting them up but not feel like we have to meet or follow any standards that have been set by someone else. Everyone is different and they have their own individual story and struggle, I promise.

No one, absolutely NO ONE can make you feel inferior unless you allow them. They have no power over your life until you give them that power. You make the choice to compare yourself and then to allow yourself to feel inferior. Also you have to look at where that person is on their journey, For example if someone has been running for years, guess what they are probably faster than you if you have only been working on that first mile for the past few days. You cannot compare the beginning of your journey to the middle of someone else path. Applaud them and look at what is possible if you continue moving forward but don't let comparison and emotion change your ambition.

You are uniquely perfect in all of your ways. You are you and no one can take that from you. That is your gift! God designed us individually for a reason, He gave us each personalized gifts and purposes. We are called to be set apart and not conform to the ways of the world, in a sense comparison is a type of conforming. If you are comparing yourself to someone you may have a desire to be that person or be like that person but you should be concerned about being the best version of yourself. Really look at yourself and who you are, What do you have to offer? What are your gifts? What good can you bring to the world? One thing I promise you is if you are so wrapped up in your own passion, goals, desires, and dreams there will be no room for comparison. Be consumed with what sets your soul on fire and you will no longer have the desire or need to compare your life with the lives of others. Be confident in who you are and what your journey is and put one foot in front of the other, be better than the person you were yesterday and know that you should compare yourself to no man because you are divinely set apart for a reason even if you may not understand yet.

Comparison will only prevent you from living your unique purpose.
