How a Yoga festival changed it all. WANDERLUST.

November 2016 I attended my first ever Wanderlust festival and it was a game changer!  Wanderlust is a mindful triathlon that consist of a 5k, Yoga, and meditation, followed by a day full of events and activities. I had practiced yoga on a small scale in our living room but had never attended any public classes or events. I first found yoga after my shoulder surgery, it was recommended to me to help with my mobility and recovery and at that time it was no more that just a work out.

Attending this event was a huge thing for me because I am very much an introvert and have a difficult time connecting with people I don't know. We decided to make a weekend of it and book a room in Nashville for the night, Cody and Skye would attend the event with me and then we would have a night/day out in the city. I got to the event early that morning with no expectations, Cody and Skye were there with me for support but Cody is all about pushing me out of my comfort zone to get the full experience so he quickly left me to fend for myself and they headed to the closest play ground.

The day started off with a 5k and that was already a stretch for me because I was not a runner at the time, The park where we ran was beautiful and the miles past so quickly because I was engulfed in the surroundings of both nature and city. The energy was indescribable and the people there putting the event on were so motivational and kind. Once the run was done there was a little down time to get your mat ready and find a place to do yoga and meditate. Of course I scooted to the back trying my best to go unnoticed, little did I know that at wanderlust they do everything they can to bring you out of your shell so soon I would be drug out of any comfort zone I thought I had created.

The yoga portion began with a dance party... a dance party with 100s of people was a shock for a little girl from Alabama who spend most of her life sheltered. I kind of played that part off just waiting on the yoga to begin. I so regretted not fully partipating and was jelous at how free spirited the majority of the attendees were, they didn't care if anyone or everyone was watching it was all about the moment and the experience. We began with the yoga and I soon fell into a groove, this was my first guided class besides YouTube videos and I loved the flow. Once again I have to say that the energy is something I cannot compare to anything I have every experienced and every event I have attended since then is the same. The unity of so many people coming together with a comman interest is magical. Towards the end of the practice they take it to the next level, you link arms with those around you dancing and relying on the group to maintain balance. Then was the moment that changed it for me, the speaker said "grab someone you don't know and give them a hug" I instantly wanted to vomit, it was so out of my comfort zone to be dancing with strangers but to embrace someone was completely horrific. There was a lady on the row in front of me, She was a yogi all the way, She had a toned body and hit every pose with elegance, Her outfit was on point and she was not only goals for me but also intimidating. Before I could even react she turned to me and wraped both arms around me, She hugged me like we had been friends our entire lives! She embraced me with true friendship and I had never spoken a word to her. It shook me at how I could feel acceptance and love from a perfect stranger. I no longer felt judgement or fear from those around me and I just realized they are here just like I am, open and excited for what's before them. I said from that moment on I would be there fully, participating in everything that went on and not try to just blend in or hide away. I left Wanderslust changed, I felt like I had finally found my tribe. These people whom I didn't know were my tribe, I felt a true sense of unity. I have attended 3 events now and each one has been such an adventure and a blessing.

The following year at Wanderlust Atlanta I made a point to speak to the people around me and embrace each moment soaking it all in. I met a beautiful soul that I admire so much, she is an inspiration to me and little does she know, she was one of the main reasons I decided to become a yoga teacher and develop my practice further. My 3rd event also took place in Atlanta and it also was everything I had hoped for, coming from a small town it is overwhelmingly wonderful to be with 100s of like minded individuals. Everyone there from different backgrounds and of all ages yet we come together for one common purpose, loving and honoring the light in ourselves and each other. Namaste.

Wanderlust Nashville 2016

Wanderlust 2017 Atlanta

Wanderlust 2018 Atlanta
