What kind of impact do you have?

You never know the impact you could make on those around you.
I have been going thru a time of "Does it really matter?" We have our YouTube channel and now I have started a blog but is anyone really listening? What sort of impact do I have if any?

I see women on social media who appear to have these amazing stories and lives, here I am a small town girl living in a camper trying to convince her husband to build a composting toilet, there is nothing glamorous here.
During a conversation with my mom the other day the topic of mindfulness came up, she had no concept of mindfulness and I was shocked because it is all the rage now and after my Yoga teacher training classes mindfulness is fresh in my mind ( no pun intended ). I was explaining that nothing just happens and things are a direct reaction of what we put out there. We must become mindful of the things we say and do, because whether it is positive or negative it has a huge impact on our surroundings. I was telling her in a sense it's like a ripple effect, when you drop a rock into water no matter how tiny the rock and how big the water it makes ripples. One single rock makes an impact on the water, it feels the vibration and the change made upon its surface. What we put out into the world matters, it is heard and it is felt.

Duh Jess.. (That's me by the way) How about you practice what you preach a little. Everything you do, do it with purpose and intent. Even if only one person is effected they go on to effect another, then another. Who says that I can't have an impact anyway? There are 2 types of discouragers out there, 1. They discourage from a point of jealousy, you are doing something they themselves wish they could do or will never step out and take the chance to do 2. They don't understand and that's ok it isn't their journey it's yours. Not everyone has to understand or approve but if they hear you then you have done your part and a seed is planted.

My life is not glamorous and it may not be impressive but my impact can be huge on those around me and so can yours. Think about the people you come into contact with daily, even if its just your children and your husband. You are molding the future of this country thru your children, don't you think you have a pretty important impact there. Wives can build or break their husbands with just a few simple words, if you ask me that is a pretty important impact you have on a few lives directly around you. What if while you were in Walmart you didn't complain to the cashier about how tough it is to shop with kids or didn't make that daily Facebook post about how life is breaking you down. What if you spoke from a place of joy and encouragement, I bet not only would it impact the person you were speaking to but you would impact yourself as well.

I am genuinely amazed sometimes at how easy it is for us to complain... about everything!! What is the worst that could happen if you chose joy? Unconditional joy. What kind of impact would it have on your children, household, family, friends, and your spirit. I bet you would feel more hopeful.

We have a great power within us, the power to create change. Change in your life and in the lives of those around you! We can have an amazing impact on the world, No matter your circumstances you matter and so does your impact.

I challenge you to speak love and have joy unconditionally, see how the lives of those around you change and see how you yourself are impacted.
