Question Everything or Question Nothing.... A "Health Conscious" Generation.

Obviously there are some clear FACTS that will be stated here but understand I am not a heath practitioner and this is based off of research, personal experience, and personal opinion.

Fact #1
Approx. 38.4% o men and women were diagnosed with cancer from 2013-2015. In 2017 15,270 adolescents ages 0-19 were diagnosed with cancer.

Fact #2
As we all know heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US with 610,000 people dying a year.

Fact #3
Approx. 1.25 million Americans have type 1 diabetes. 9.4% - 30.3 million people are prediabetic or have been diagnosed with diabetes.

Fact #4
 In 2017 50 million - 20% of our population suffer from an auto-immune disease 75% are women.

Fact #5
10% - 6.1 million women struggle with infertility, either becoming pregnant or staying pregnant.

Are we searching for healthcare or sick care as a nation?

I state these facts to open your mind for a moment, we have become numb to all the sickness and disease around us. These facts are just a drop in the bucket of all that is ramped in our nation.

I am not here to tell you how to live but only to possibly open a door of question, one thing we do have in America is freedom. Freedom to choose the lifestyle we desire to live, freedom to choose what we put in and one our bodies, but I think we have in a sense lost some of this freedom due to the mentality that was established generations before us and what we are constantly being fed from outside sources.

Wait before you click off hear me out PLEASE!
Generations before us paved our way and passed down knowledge that is most dire to our survival as a whole but there does come a time that we have to learn from our mistakes and maybe start to look to new ways of living, maybe even just get back to the roots of things if you will.

I think now more than ever we need to question things... Question everything.

Sure way back when you drank a 1/2 gallon of buttermilk a day, rode in the car without a seatbelt, ate bacon and butter with every meal, binged on that bucket of Halloween candy, lathered in chemical based soap and then patted down with talcum powder and deodorant so no natural scent or sweat would be present. Maybe you got every shot or prescription the Dr, ever recommended, every time you felt an ache you grabbed some over the counter pain relief, used synthetic birth control to prevent pregnancy or regulate your menstrual cycle, after all why would all these things be so easily accessible if they weren't good for you right?

I wonder though what are we doing to our bodies??

I am by no means telling you to run naked, barefoot thru the forest living only off the earth and giving praise to mother sun. However I am asking you to question these things.

Maybe the way things have been done and are being done isn't in the greatest pursuit of our health after all.

I know what your thinking, and NO I am not some vegan hippie chick here to take away your bacon. I'm just hoping to bring a little awareness. To have knowledge is to have power and when you know better you do better.

Look around you, those who are closest to us are our greatest examples good or bad, We learn from our surroundings. For example if you have an uncle that drinks a case everyday and smokes a carton every afternoon you can more than likely look at his life/health and easily decide if that is a path you wish to travel down.

That may be an extreme case but also look at those in line at local the BBQ joint or fast food counter.
Do you know someone who is on several medications but they never seem to get any better? Maybe those house hold cleaners are harmless, maybe dairy has no effect on our hormones, maybe not but what if they do?
It's just a question...

We are sicker than ever as a nation and it is time to take our health seriously. We have the power to change our lives but that power must be put to use.

Be a seeker of knowledge, we have so many resources at our hands that there is no reason to be naïve in this day in time. Ask questions, even the hard ones, If you want change make change. If we desire for those statistics to change then it is up to us to adopt a lifestyle in the constant pursuit of health.

