Tiny living was fun but...

We have lived in our tiny home camper just shy of 3 years and today we filled out paperwork to rent our first apartment...
   Lots of panic but way more excitement was felt.

So why after 3 years was it finally time to move on?
I believe that living our simplistic "tiny" lifestyle was Gods way of preparing us for this new journey, not only are we renting an apartment but we are moving over 3 hours away from everything we currently call home.

When we moved into the camper we knew God was calling us to live a more simplistic and natural life. It changed our whole world in ways we could have never imagined, God used that time to change us down to our very core and during that I believe we truly began to discover our purpose and passion for life. No you don't have to get rid of it all and live in 300 square feet to find your purpose but it was what we mainly I NEEDED!
God opened my eyes and heart to things I could have never imagined before tiny living. It brought our family of 3 closer together and our marriage developed and grew deeper and fuller. When you live in such a small space you have to talk, A LOT! but that's what was amazing for us, we talked about the big things, the small things, our dreams, desires, and everything in between.

Personally living a more minimalistic and simple lifestyle also helped develop my spiritual relationship, I cleared out all the junk in more ways than one and both my heart and eyes were open to the relationship with Christ that I had always longed for. In short when you don't spend all your time cleaning and doing laundry you have time for self-care and spiritual reflection.

Wait.. If it was so wonderful why are you leaving it all behind?

Two words have been resonating with me as of resent, Transition and seasons. Everything has a season and a time. Tiny living had its ups and downs and it is just time for a new season of our lives. New jobs, new direction, new focuses, new relationships, everything!

I believe that God has been preparing us for this for a while now. The past year I have been dealing with some unrest, struggling with the vision God has given me but not sure how he plans for me to use it. This whole time we knew down deep that we needed to be open to relocation, that is one reason we chose a house on wheels because we felt the call to be mobile. I had some spiritual hurtles I didn't know at the time I needed to conquer but God has been showing me unimaginable love and grace as I continue to get it together.

Sometimes in life you have to step, even if you see nothing in front of you just step out knowing that God will place something there for you as you go. We don't always have to know what's next you just have to have faith and take that first step in faith and trust that God is waiting to guide your path.
I know I may be getting a little off track but this is where we are at in our season now. We feel the need to move, jumping out arms wide open both feet off the ground even if step 2 is no where in sight we are trusting that when our feet begin to descend that it will become clear what is next for our journey.

God gave me the vision for Like Rushing Waters (view other blog) and I know that is my message to spread. I thank tiny living (simple living) for that message, without living that lifestyle I honestly don't know if I would have been open to the amazing changes that God had in store for me.

As we close that chapter of our lives, moving from our tiny camper on a 70 acer farm to a loft apartment on the city center we think of all the transitions that are headed our way and we are prepared to meet them with excitement. Tiny living will forever be apart of us because it is what has made us who we are.

Tiny living has in every way given us this opportunity, if has given us the ability to follow our biggest dreams and flow with the waves of change. We are thankful for that season and can't express the gratitude we feel to be able experience this amazing life and all of its goodness.
