Tips For Hitting The Refresh Button... Here Comes 30.

Do you ever feel stuck? Or even that you have taken a few steps backwards?
You had these big dreams, goals and desires and yet here you are not any closer than you were yesterday?

You know what though, you may be stuck, you may have became stagnant but YOU choose whether or not you stay there. Yes YOU!

You don't have to wait until Monday, the first of the month, or the first of the year to start again. You can start again right here, right now in this very moment. It's as simple as a changed mindset or a decision made to begin again.

Maybe you had plans, ones that you were well on your way of achieving and something knocked you down, Then get up dust yourself off and take one step at a time.

There are many things we cannot control in life but one thing we have complete control over is our mindset and how we react to the circumstances that we are currently in. We can accept that we are nothing, accept the failure, the defeat, and never amount to what we are called to be or we can rise up from the mistakes, the unfortunate situations and begin again. It is as simple as a choice.
God has equipped us with everything that we need, everything we need is already inside of us we just have to choose to access it. It goes again back to a choice.

Tomorrow I will be 30, I am still reaching for many of the same goals that I was reaching for last year at this time. That's OK! Things happened, negative mindsets snuck back in, depression, injuries, recoveries, LIFE happened and the list could go on and on with reasons why I didn't do what I set out to. All the facebook and instagram posts saying this time I would accomplish it and all the work I put in just to be here one year later still scratching away at a dream....
You know what though I AM closer despite all that, I have risen from the trash that once held me down and each day I will choose to take every step I can possibly take to lead me closer to my dreams.
I chose to hit the refresh button, yet again! I began again and I will begin again as many times as needed.

Each day you make countless decisions that will impact your future. Each and every morning we should make a choice to refresh when needed.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to hit the refresh button when I have ventured away from my path.

1. Pray - God simply says ASK, Ask Him for help. Talk to God like you would your closest friend, someone who is always for you and desiring your best outcome. Get in His presence!

2. Yoga - Along the same lines as prayer yoga helps me refresh my mind, body and spirit. Moving my body, meditating, mindful breathing, and a gratitude practice. All these things are ways that you can freshen up a stale mind and spirit. Simply sitting and breathing can literally bring a breath a fresh air into a stale mindset.

3. Run/Bike - Moving your body is an amazing way to reset yourself, Nature is so healing to me so anytime I can get outside it speaks to me on a deeper level. I have never finished a workout and not felt better or clearer in some way. Find some accountability if need be and MOVE!

4. Talk/Listen - Spend time with like minded and motivated people, people who bring out your most creative side. People who bring out the best in you. We are not meant to be alone, we need community. Grab a friend, your spouse, an accountability partner and seek advice, inspiration, and motivation.

5. Write - I am a list maker, I have even been known to make a list of the lists I need made. Writing sometimes will help you refocus and reignite a passion. It can put things into perspective and make the task seem more achievable being able to see one step at a time.

These things may seem simple but it doesn't always take something extravagant sometimes it's as simple as a decision. Never be afraid to reinvent yourself, learn from the mistakes that were made, get a plan and act accordingly.
