That Pivotal Moment... Nothing Will Ever Be The Same.

That pivotal moment when you know that you will never be the same again, That moment when everything changes.

One day I had a conversation with God, To some of you that might sound strange but let me set up this picture for you. I had just had my first of a 3 part surgery on my back and was experiencing some of the worst pain that I had ever been through.. At this point in my life I had received 4 knee surgeries, a shoulder surgery, My appendix almost ruptured, and I had given birth to a 8lb 14oz baby and those things were nothing compared to the pain I was experiencing in my back.
     So Me and God were having a talk... The Talk! I was pleading with Him to help me, I was overweight, under nourished, sick and had a beautiful baby girl that I couldn't care for the way I desired because my body was shot. My mental and emotional game was wrecked as well, feeling abandoned, alone, and deeply depressed. I was in that hole of frustration and despair, but no one from an outside perspective even knew what was brewing on the inside.

I told God that if He would deliver me from this, if He would help me, then I would never be this person again. That I would transform myself inside and out and become opposite of everything that I was. I just couldn't understand why He wouldn't just snap His fingers and deliver me. If your not weirded out enough at this point this next part will get you!
     God spoke directly to me, He reminded me that the same power that He contained He had placed inside of me and that I not only had power over my situation but also the outcome of my story. Something shifted in me during that moment and I knew a change had taken place, I felt a change in my spirit and my perspective was altered. I was going to take my "stagnant" lifestyle and live "Like Rushing Waters". If you know anything about my story, you know what those words mean.

I knew that if I made the choice to move that he would guide me, direct me, and even carry me when needed but I had a decision to make. Was I going to move?

This is one reason that I am so passionate about making a choice and the power of change.

From that moment on I began again and almost felt as if I was reborn into this new creation ingulfed with determination and passion for my physical health. I have heard the statement that " You don't just wake up one morning and decide to change" I don't and somewhat do believe that! You do wake up one morning and decide to change, you decide to never be that person again and be better than yesterday. Then you decide to do that again the next morning, then again the next. You decide every single day to be relentless, better than the day before and bettering yourself with ever single step.

After a few years on this journey one thing I have learned about "My Journey" is that it is bigger than me! It is my story to share but it is so much bigger than me. Our why fuels the will, that is where passion is born.

What is your why? What was that pivotal moment? Keeping it fresh in our minds and using it as our fuel. Not reacting on emotion but reflecting on that feeling and fire that was sparked. Not everyone's journey will revolve around fitness but I believe this can apply to anyone on any type of journey. Making that choice, Understanding that it is more that just about you, it is bigger than you or I. What is that ripple effect, what is your influence and understanding that when the fire of your passion burns so bright that it can actually plant a spark in someone else.

Turn everything away that does not line up with this plan, with this passion and desire. Stoke that fire and watch it consume you. Refocus and redirect those thoughts becoming relentless in the pursuit of that moment, your moment.
Wake up and realize that your biggest limitation may be yourself! Are you self sabotaging or holding yourself back? I know I sure was and honestly still do at times. I was living in fear of injury, Living in fear of what others may think, and living in the fear of stepping out of the box and pursuing a crazy unreachable dream!

I think sometimes we have these big dreams and God sniggers a little thinking is that all? Dream bigger, don't you know who I am.
I want those God sized dreams!! I am CHOOSING to go after those God sized dreams. It may sound crazy to you but what do I have to lose?

That pivotal moment when I know that I can't go back to the way things were, that everything is going to be different from this point on. I am fixing my eyes on Him and getting to work because I know this is so much bigger than me.
